
A site that publishes some brief articles and other teaching of Father Thomas Reeves, the Priest/Pastor at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Bloomington, IL (

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Christ We Believe In


"It is well for us to consider the education of the spiritual life. James and John had to learn, as Peter had to learn, the kind of Christ they believed in. Peter cried, 'Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God,' but when our Lord began to speak to him of the Sacred Passion, to tell of the Cross and the agony and shame and apparent defeat; then S. Peter said 'That be far from Thee, Lord,' and he Who had been called Peter one minute was called Satan the next. When Salome asked that her two sons might be on our Lord's right hand and His left, she had a vision of splendid royalty. The vision of the cup of a king in an oriental woman's mind was the golden cup brought by a cupbearer at a banquet, when the king was celebrating some great victory. Neither Salome nor James nor John could dream what the cup of our Lord really was. They knew not what they asked, nevertheless what they asked was granted them."

"Every time we say the Lord's Prayer we pray, 'Thy will be done,' and indeed we know not what we ask.  Every time we come to our communion we drink the cup of His Precious Blood, and we know not for what that grace is given to us, what challenge is coming to every part of our being. We know not what the will of God is going to be in our lives, but we do know this, that the will of God is that our will should be one with His will, and that when we drink of His cup and receive the communion of His Sacred Body we should take into our beings the power of the everlasting love of God."

-Father Andrew, Meditations, pg. 155.

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