
A site that publishes some brief articles and other teaching of Father Thomas Reeves, the Priest/Pastor at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Bloomington, IL (

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Seven Principal Feasts


On Wednesday, November 1st, we will celebrate one of our Principal Feasts as Episcopalians, All Saints Day. This service begins at 11 AM and will likely finish before noon. We hope you will join us if you are local to the Bloomington, IL area.

According to the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, we celebrate Seven Principal Feasts during the Christian Year/Calendar:

1. Christmas Day - the celebration of the Christ-child

2. Epiphany - the celebration of the light of Christ illumining the darkness of our world

3. Easter Day - the celebration of the hope and joy of the resurrection

4. Ascension - the celebration of the final enthronement and acceptance by the Father of the incarnate Christ as redeemer and lord of the created universe.

5. The Day of Pentecost - the celebration of the Holy Spirit as Christ's presence indwelling his people both individually and among them corporately in gathered worship and service.

6. Trinity Sunday - The celebration of the Mystery and the Wonder of the three persons of the godhead united in one being - God.

7. All Saints - the celebration of the goodness of God to His people, and the remembrance of the faithfulness of the saints of God who have gone on before us.

As Anglicans, when we incorporate these feasts into our worship during the year we are offering up our other priorities and time as a sweet sacrifice to our God. The purpose of these services of Holy Communion is to ground our spiritual, individual journey firmly into the Life of our Lord Jesus Christ. To find our personal journey in the midst of the covenant community of Christ.

Let us worship our Lord in Spirit and in Truth!

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