
A site that publishes some brief articles and other teaching of Father Thomas Reeves, the Priest/Pastor at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Bloomington, IL (

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

An Immovable Stone


Large stones are hard, dense, and largely immovable objects. In I Peter 2 (vs. 2-10), the Apostle explains that in the end, Jesus is one of two things for those who engage him: He is either the starting point and foundation for a transformed life or a source of consternation and irritation. Once someone encounters Jesus, they are changed forever; only a clear path to salvation or a cluttered path to emptiness remains.

When a foundation cornerstone is laid for any significant building, it sets the direction for the rest of the construction process. However, if this same large stone is in a field or on a path, it becomes an unyielding obstacle to anyone who walks into it.

In obedience to the Gospel, let us consider the hope, stability, and power our Lord Christ offers those who completely trust Him. He cannot be moved, and his direction is sure. Unless we vary from the architectural plan, we will only know a completed and abiding structure when God's final project for the redemption of humanity is complete.

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